Cost-Saving Fixed IDD & Domestic Call rates
Discounted call service to corporation
- Discounted phone call for the customer
- All calls are billed to the customer at a discount to the normal Telekom Malaysia price with competitive telephone rates
- Requires the customer to install an auto dialer in customer’s premises or configuration of customer’s PABX at no extra charge
- Auto dialers are installed for convenience
- Customers will obtain invoice bills by monthly, or customers can prepay for telephone calls-itemised billings
- No registration, connection nor monthly fees
- Nationwide Toll Free access.
- No monthly subscription fees
- No installation cost
- Caller ID and PIN available
- Lowest rate with PSTN quality
How Does the system Work?
How to save the Phone cost?
Comparison Chart
Example: A Corporation monthly Phone bills RM 10,000 with Standard PSTN Services.
So this corporation normally call to China, Singapore, Taiwan, Mobile and STD calls.
Total Save : RM 10,000 (Telco Bill) – RM 4,250 (Teleworld ) = RM 5,750
Case Study
Rate Comparison with Other Telco Malaysia

Unit = 1 minute
Total Other Telco Charged RM 10,690.00
After Teleworld Charged RM 2,766.00
Total Save RM 7,924.00 or 74 %